Paul Galpern

Associate Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
University of Calgary

Email: paul.galpern [at] ucalgary [dot] ca He/him

PhD (University of Manitoba)
MSc, BEd, BSc (University of Toronto)

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I’ve been leading a research program at the intersection of ecology, conservation and sustainable agriculture at University of Calgary (a large Canadian research-intensive institution), since 2013. I prioritize being a supportive mentor for my graduate students and trainees, and finding ways to innovate as a teacher.

My research has focused on sustainable agriculture, landscape ecology, ecosystem services, biodiversity conservation, global change, and quantitative ecological methods. I have also spearheaded transdisciplinary research and courses that link ecology with the social sciences. I currently lead a multi-institutional research program in agricultural sustainability called the Prairie Precision Sustainability Network. As an advocate for sustainable agriculture on the Canadian Prairies, I have often been invited to speak on this issue to different types of audiences.

I began my career as high school teacher (2001 to 2008), living and working in Indigenous communities in Ontario, Canada. This experience continues to inspire me, and it has shaped the design and philosophy of my undergraduate and graduate courses. Teaching well is very important to me. I strive to improve how we deliver post-secondary education and have introduced several novel teaching and assessment approaches in my courses.

The ABC Lab is a collective project of Dr. Paul Galpern, Dr. Mindi Summers, and their students and trainees at University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Image content created by past or present lab members is credited; other images are licensed or are in the public domain; Lab logo and beetle line drawing by Tobyn Neame; Built with Quarto; Last content update: May 2024